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Price Per person double occupancy

Date Price Single
February 6-15, 2024 $3,799* $800
*Includes airfare from Detroit or Miami (-$100).

Reservation Due: October 6, 2023
Final Payment Due: November 17, 2023


Roundtrip air from Detroit or Miami (-$100) including current air taxes and fuel surcharges (taxes and fuel charges are subject to change), 8 nights lodging at 4 star hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, full time English speaking tour escort, services of air conditioned deluxe motor coach, all guides, entrances, touring and transportation as appears on itinerary, baggage handling at hotels (one piece), tips to driver, guides, and hotel staff

Not Included

All lunches, optional travel insurance (7.95% or 10.85% of tour cost)

Day 1 - (USA to Israel)

Depart from USA our flight to Tel Aviv, Israel. Two meals will be served on-board. After dinner, relax and enjoy the on-board entertainment.

Day 2 - (Tel Aviv, Joppa)

Arrive at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport and meet our tour guide, who will welcome us to the Land of the Bible and escort us throughout our stay in Israel. Israeli guides are legendary for their knowledge and dedication. Our tour begins in ancient Joppa (Jaffa). Joppa was an important seaport for Solomon. (Ezra 3:7), The cedars from Lebanon were floated down from Phoenicia to Joppa and then transported to Jerusalem for building the palace and temple. (Jonah 1:3), Jonah sailed from Joppa to Tarshish. Here was the house of Simon the Tanner (Acts 10: 9-23) and the place of the Miracle of the resurrection of Tabitha (Acts 9: 36-43). We will proceed to Tel Aviv for a panoramic tour of the city to learn the history of the birth of the modern state of Israel. From there we will head to Netanya to check in to the hotel to rest, walk on the Mediterranean beach and prepare spiritually for the special touring days to follow.

Day 3 - (Caesarea, Mt. Carmel, Nazareth, Magdala)

After an abundant breakfast buffet, we journey north along the coast to Caesarea (Acts 10), built over 2000 years ago by King Herod. The Apostle Paul was imprisoned at Caesarea, and Pontius Pilate also lived there. Cornelius the Centurion and his family, the first Gentile Christians, were filled with the Holy Spirit in Caesarea as well. We continue from here by driving north to Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18), site of Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal. On the way to the Sea of Galilee we’ll visit Mount Precipice where Jesus was rejected and attacked by his hometown before relocating to Capernaum, here we will be able to see Nazareth from a wonderful vantage point. From here we drive to Magdala, home of Mary Magdalene. We will see a first century synagogue where Jesus no doubt taught. From here we make our way to Tiberias and arrive at our hotel located on the Sea of Galilee.

Day 4 – (Chorazin, Caesarea Philippi, Tel Dan, Golan Heights)

We will start our day visiting Chorazin which is one of the major towns that Jesus ministered to, also a town that Jesus’ cursed in his Matthew 23 discourse. Next we visit Caesarea Philippi where Jesus asked, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” It was Simon Peter who was inspired to answer: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16). Next, we will visit Tel Dan for a walk through a quiet national park and impressive Old Testament city and we will see Abraham's gate which is the 4000 year old entrance to the ancient city of Laish (later Dan) which Abraham would have travel through to rescue his nephew Lot. We will then visit Mount Bental and learn about the unique history of the area relating to God’s miraculous establishment of the modern State of Israel, as well as enjoy a magnificent view of Mount Hermon where Jesus likely transfigured.

Day 5 - (The Sea of Galilee)

This day alone is worth the trip! We begin the day by visiting the Mount of Beatitudes, a possible site for the sermon on the mount found in Matthew 5. We continue to Saint Peter’s Primacy, the location where Jesus ministered to his disciples and restored Peter in John 21. Then we continue to Capernaum, the headquarters of ministry for Jesus here in Galilee. Next, we enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, with a quiet and peaceful worship service. Upon landing, we also see the “Jesus boat” from the first century, a vessel found here along the shores of Galilee in 1986. We conclude our day at the southern end of the Sea of Galilee and enjoy optional baptism service in the Jordan River at Yardenit. We return to our hotel for dinner and an evening reflection.

Day 6 - (En Gedi, Masada, Dead Sea, Psalm 23 Valley)

We begin the day by visiting Beth She’an which was a major Roman city in the Decapolis, it is also where Saul’s body was taken after his death at Mount Gilboa. We continue driving south along the Jordan to En Gedi were David his from Saul in a cave. We then visit Masada, an ancient fortress built by Herod and later occupied by the Zealots. We the make our way to our hotel on the Dead Sea for an optional float in its medicinal waters as well the opportunity to register for spa treatments.

Day 7 - (Judean Wilderness, Jerusalem)

The day starts ascending towards Jerusalem with a short visit to the Wadi Qelt, a wilderness area known for its connection with Jesus’ 40 days of temptation as well as the Psalm 23 Valley of the Shadow of Death. From here we visit Mt. Zion and the site of the Last Supper as well as the House of Caiaphas where Jesus was taken after his arrest. We then enter the Old City through the Zion Gate and make our way to the famous Western (Wailing) Wall, considered the most holy place in Judaism. After some time for personal prayer and reflection, we walk 400 yards along the retaining wall of the Temple Mount through the Western Wall Tunnel. From here we visit Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Museum. From here we return to our hotel in Jerusalem for dinner.

Day 8 - (Jerusalem, Via Dolorosa, Bethlehem)

We begin our day with a magnificent view of the Old City from the top of the Mt. of Olives. We get our first glimpse of Jerusalem beholding a breath-taking panorama of the Holy City. We walk down the “Palm Sunday” route to the Garden of Gethsemane. We make our way to the Pool of Bethesda (John 5) and begin our journey down the Via Dolorosa (the way of suffering) that our Jesus took on His way to the Cross. We will visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher believed to be by many the burial site of Jesus. Next, we visit Bethlehem, the town of Jesus’ birth. Here we visit the Church of the Nativity and the Church of the Shepherd’s field. Afterwards, we return to our hotel in Jerusalem for dinner and free time.

Day 9 - (Jerusalem)

The day begins with a communion service at the Garden Tomb, a second possible site for the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. We then sit on the steps of the Pool of Siloam and recount the events of John 9. From here, we make our way to “Robinson’s Arch” and the Southern Wall Excavations likely the location for Peter’s sermon in Acts 2. In the late afternoon, we drive to the ancient city of Shiloh the first capital of Israel where the Tabernacle of God stood for 369 years. Return to the hotel in Jerusalem.

Day 10 - (Israel to USA)

Our guide will assist us with the check-in procedures as we prepare for our flight to USA. We arrive home today with wonderful memories of a visit to the Land of the Bible!

Itinerary subject to change while touring for the best interest of the group.